Rome is one of those cities that feels familiar even when you’ve never been there before (inevitable with how often it feature in films and historical programmes I guess), and therefore it can feel quite surreal when you see parts of it “in the flesh” for the very first time. I felt like I had also been to the airport here too, but perhaps that’s because a lot of them are so similar anyway? Beware though, this one has plenty of “enthusiastic” taxi touts who will try to convince you that the trip into town costs €100 – it doesn’t. Look out for official registered cabs, and you will find yourself paying no more than €48 (if you are staying centrally – €60 Euros if you are staying just outside of the walls like we were)…
Our base for a few days was in up and coming San Lorenzo, the University district – booked on the basis that it’s away from the main tourist hub, and that University areas are usually thriving and have interesting eateries (as this one does – no chips and curry sauce for Rome’s students, as you might imagine!)! The hotel served hearty breakfasts (the waiters will gladly make you perfect coffee if you ask them, ignore the machines on the side!), and also had good facilities for the kids, with bunk beds, dvd’s and games consoles in each room. It’s only a 5 minutes walk to either the metro, bus and tram from here – all of which are frequent and cheap (I have to say that Rome’s Metro is not my favourite way to get around, it’s grubby, packed and hectic – I commuted in London for several years and have travelled the length of Tokyo’ Subway system so it’s not like I am used to subways either – but it is convenient and cheap at around €1.50 for 100 minutes travel. Pharrell William’s “Happy” seems to be played on a constant loop down here which helps, and the whole experience compared to Munich’s orderly U-bahn system (with it’s piped classical notes) made me laugh at least). If you are planning on using a lot of public transport (and visiting major sites) it’s worth investing in a city sponsored Roma Card…
By the time we had completed our first taxi mission, arrived at the hotel and dumped our bags, time was ticking on – so we headed straight into town to catch our first glimpse of this ancient city. Small Girl decided it was like a living museum, a statement I couldn’t agree with more. A lengthy promenade through the Centro Storico led us past some of those incredibly surreal and familiar sights, until we got to the top of a hill where we were treated to the sun setting over Rome. Red sky appreciation undertaken, we decided upon dinner at nearby Ristorante Alla Rampa, completely taking a chance thanks to two small hungry people – but it didn’t let us down. And later, bellies full of delicious stuffed zucchini flowers and handmade pasta, we wandered happily back to the hotel looking forward to our first full day…
Up with the larks (or should that be up with the first students getting in from a Sunday night on the tiles – do make sure you ask for a room at the back of this particular hotel!!), we set off to investigate the nearby Basilica Papale di San Lorenzo Fuori le Mura (or “Basilica of Saint Lawrence Outside The Walls” – sounds better in Italian no?) .
This place is completely off the tourist map so we had it all to ourselves, but as it originated in the Sixth Century AD it’s of huge historical importance. We spent longer in the grounds here than otherwise expected thanks to the stationery stall directly outside our hotel. Both Small People had invested in notebooks and pencils, and embarked on an ambitious series of sketches of Rome here… Not that I was complaining – the sun was out and it was warm after all – and as a friend later pointed out – Rome wasn’t drawn in a day (these notebooks came with us wherever we went, and have now been safely squirrelled away to remind them of this trip one day)!!
We had an important appointment to keep that afternoon, so decided on lunch at La Tana Sarda. This proved the perfect watering hole – a tiny Sardinian style place taken up mostly with the biggest wood burning stove that churned out delicious pizza after pizza. If you fancy something other than pizza, try it’s sister two doors up where the locals come to pile up plates with fresh pasta, roasted vegetables and all manner of sliced meats, and sides… Sustenance for the amazing and packed afternoon that lay ahead….
Man, this really makes me miss my trip to Rome…I want to go back! Thanks for linking up to the #SUndayTraveler! :)
Thanks Ashley, it’s a great place isn’t it? :)
Stunning photos! Gahhh I just want to hop on a plane to Italy now!
Me too Samantha, me too! :D Thank you! :)
Fab location choice! We hope to get back to Rome this year to take mu mother in law, I’ll have to consider that area. Thanks for linking up with us again for #SundayTraveler
You must! Thanks so much SJ! :)
Love that they were carrying their sketchbooks around the city! xx
Thanks Pia… I did too, except for when I was official carrier!! :D xx
Great point about the university areas having the interesting places to eat. Each pizza shot you post reminds me that I need to go back to Italy!
I figured that there’s no way students would survive on rubbish food in Rome, and there really are some great little places around there to fill up on! Thanks Dave! :)
Such beautiful shots. Makes me miss Rome! Last time I was there was ages ago covering some stories as a journalist.
That must have been brilliant. Thanks Kriss! :)
Thank you Trish! It is such a wonderful place isn’t it…. I went half prepared not to like it considering how busy I thought it would be, but I loved nearly everything about it, apart from the subway! :D
What a great idea of staying in the University district! I’ve never thought about it, but now when you mentioned it, it makes a perfect sense for someone who wants to experience a neighborhood with a good vibe and interesting eateries and cafes (while still keeping it on budget!).
I just can’t handle the tourist hoards in places like Rome, it’s why we stayed outside of Venice last year too (which I have yet to write about) and it worked perfectly! You definitely get to see more of the real thing then too! Thank you! :)
Ooh – I know there’s a lot of reasons to see Rome, and I swear I’m interested in the history and culture and all that . . . but what I really want to experience for myself is the food!
And you will not be disappointed in that Jess, I promise! Thank you! :)
Wonderful photos! There must be history every where you look in Rome. We are planning a trip there right now and your blog post made me rather excited to go there!!
Great, I know you are going to love it! Plenty more info to come! :)
Lovely photos and great to see unusual places in what must be one of the most photographed cities on earth. I love that your kids sketch.
Thank you Pheobe, I tried to find a few away from the normal view, but I fear I have plenty of typical pics of Rome to come too! :D
I adore Rome. It’s one of those cities that I never thought I would like, but I just can’t get enough of it. It’s the buzz, the history, the food and the Vespas… it all seems to come together in Rome :)
I completely feel the same way, thanks Caitlyn! :)
Looks like a lovely trip. And good thing to add the advice about the taxis… There’s always at least one of those things you can be taken advantage of when you’re acting the tourist.
Isn’t there just? You have to admire their “enthusiasm” though I guess! Thank you! :)
Makes me want to book a last minute trip to Rome fo the week my boys are going to their dad’s! Ahh maybe in a few years. :)
Beautiful photos, and what memories you’re making with your family!
Thanks so much Marylin, whenever you get to go there, I am sure you will love it! :)
Lovely photos – makes me want to go! It’s one of those places that’s always on the list, but never quite makes it to the top. I’m beginning to think I should change that….;)
You should Molly, you should! Thank you! :)
What amazing architecture. It looks like a wonderful place.
Thank you Betty! :)
It’s one of those cities that I’m always homesick for. And it always feels like every time you go, you can walk down the same street and notice something completely different. And the food. The food! Just divine. We always get the train from the airport but it does depend very much where you’re staying.
Doesn’t it just? So beautiful! :) We didn’t even think of the train this time around, next time! Thank you!
Wonderful post…. Rome wasn’t drawn in a day; LOL. Italy is one of those countries where it was built straight out of a magic book; so beautiful. I can only imagine what a wonderful time you all had, and sounds like you stayed in a cool area too….. when are you going to write that travel guide eh? X
Thank you S! :D I would love to write a travel guide, that would be my dream job! :D xx
Beautiful photos, and you make it sound absolutely wonderful! DorkyDad and I have both been to Italy separately, but never together and never to Rome. It was already on our wish list, but all the more so after reading this! x
I am sure you would love it Ruth, thank you! :) x
I love Roma, vibrant, beautiful, interesting. I could easily live there, I think. Plus, the weather is so nice! Looking forward to your next day’s posts!
So gorgeous isn’t it? We had such lovely weather when we were there, a real tonic! :D Thank you! :)
I LOVE that the children sketched Rome, I really want to do the same with mine!
We went to Rome before we were married thought it was amazing. We must take the kids one day. x
R has always been like this… Makes me look like such a pushy mother when we go to art galleries! :D You must, they would LOVE it! :) xx
I have a drawing on my office wall from when Cog did something very similar nearly 10 years ago and everyday it brings back an amazing happy memory, So much better than just dashing from place to place which creates strssy tired children!
I don’t like pizza, I feel alone in the world on this one!
Definitely! We have city trips down to a fine art now. Someone made me cross once when they said that cities and town trips are boring for children, they really don’t have to be… PS. I don’t like bad pizzas! :D x
I truly love the idea of having your kids sketch what they see. My kids like graphic novels, and I’ve been trying to convince them to do a comic panel a day when we travel as a way to journal.
That’s such a great idea too! Bet they could do some great gladiator panels in Rome! :)
So glad you enjoyed Rome, but I thought you would. Any history lover does fall under it’s spell and it’s nearly always warm there! I love your daughter’s analogy that it’s a living museum. : )
Thanks Louisa, it is an incredible city! :)
Oh it does look wonderful. I can’t believe I’ve never been. And the thought of ‘Happy’ on a loop in the subway has made me chuckle. What a nice soundtrack to your travels.
I think they daren’t put anything miserable on down there!! Thank you, hope all is well? xx
Beautiful pictures! I was in Rome a year ago this week. Oh looking at the pictures makes me want to go there again! I guess I will still with updating the blog with pictures of Rome that I have yet to post a year later!
Glad it’s not just me, I too have posts from places we visited last year to write up! :D Thank you…
You make everywhere you go look so LOVELY!! Now I want to go to Rome!
Thank you Maggy! :)
Rome is top of our list for a visit. Well it was now it’s been replaced by all the child friendly places like Disney. These photos are stunning though and make me crave a child free weekend.
One day, they will love it! :) Thanks Rebecca! :)
Looks heavenly, I adore Italy x
Me too! Thank you! :) x
Ohh this is the second set of photos of Rome in the last couple of days and I really fancy going now. Mich x
And I have yet more to come Michelle, so much to see! Thank you! :) x
Oh my that looks like heaven. (no pun intended) Your photos really grasp the scale of those buildings and their grandeur. I’ve never visited Rome before but I would so love to!
Thanks Stacey, I do think there should be a list of cities that you absolutely must see, and Rome would definitely be on there! :)
As ever – brilliant photographs and vivid descriptions that just make you want to visit (better than any travel guide). Can’t wait to inspect the sketch books. x
Thanks Mum, you have already seen my favourite sketch! :D xx
Such lovely photos – I want to go now! Great tips too – the cab one especially, it’s just the sort of thing that must catch so many people out!
Thanks Annie… Yes, they were quite cheeky, waiting for fresh catch straight off the plane! :D
I have a real love hate relationship with Rome. I used to think I’d never go back. You may have tempted me. Realised I left you a long rambling comment on Agilent Sunday thinking it was Germany now I realise it was probably Rome.
It was Germany… Thank you Gemma, I think you should go back! :) x
1, I’m now jealous
2, I’m now hungry
3, I have now had to put Rome at the top of our ‘must go’ list.
Haha… Thanks Alice! :) x
Beautiful Roma x
Isn’t it just? Thanks Becky! :) x
Rome always looks amazing, seeing your photos and my brother’s who went the week before you, has convinced me if I get the chance to go I should go.
Definitely Aly, it is amazing! Thank you! :)
Rome is stunning – beautiful pictures, and those pizzas are making me riffle through the fridge!
Thanks Helen! :) x
Lovely post – bringing back great memories from our trip last year :-)
Thanks Sally, it’s amazing isn’t it? Hope all is well! x