Sshhhhh…. There are currently still people asleep in our house which I consider an amazing feat in itself considering that all the children of the house have been up since well before 8am!
A good night was had by all however, and as well as over indulging in both food and drink (in a bit of an Eighties themed extravaganza), once we had heralded in the New Year (out on the street with the neighbours and a lot of fireworks) at the stroke of midnight, we partook in the German New Years tradition of BleigieBen… Once you have melted your shape and tipped it into cold water, you then read your fortune for the year ahead according to which new shape you end up with… My sister was determined that hers was an owl, for which we couldn’t find a fortune (answers on a postcard please!) it’s got to be good if it’s an owl though hasn’t it?
This the first day of a New Year will be spent relaxing I think, and whilst we don’t really do resolutions, it might include some contemplation of what the year ahead might bring. Following this lovely example, I will try to make my word of 2014 Positivity – and bear that in mind whatever chops and changes the year ahead might bring(!).
I will now attempt to rouse the sleeping masses with this concoction, which should cure them of any slight over-excessiveness they might be suffering from, but will most definitely wake them up… You can of course make it with vodka should you wish, but I think it’s equally nice with gin, but only use a good one! And don’t even think about making it without the Tabasco…
A New Year’s Bloody Mary
100ml good quality gin (or vodka)
2tsp Worcestershire sauce;
2tsp lemon juice;
Tabasco Sauce (to your taste. I put loads in!)
250mls good quality tomato juice
Salt & Pepper
Celery to garnish.
Put all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker (in our house a thermos flask serves equally well!!), then strain and pour equally into glasses and serve. Sit back and wait for signs of life and heaps of thanks (or not!)…
I hope you all had a guten rutsch and that New Year’s Eve was memorable for all the right reasons? Are some of your household members still asleep too? May 2014 contain what you hope for, and be happy and healthy to boot…
Happy New Year lovely !!!!!! Sounds like you had a great one. I however, slumped with Younger Dad on the sofa, watched rubbish on the TV, and then went to bed one minute past midnight, with no alcohol in my system – how boring was that!? My word is believe! X
Thank you… Do you know that doesn’t sound boring at all, it sounds very relaxing! And I bet you weren’t suffering like we all were the next day! :) Love your word too, that’s a good one! :) xx
Happy New Year! Love this tradition. The owl? Wisdom, I’m sure. Bloody Mary with gin, oh hello! :)
I think she could do with a bit more, so that’s good! :D Thank you Sarah, you too! :)
Happy New Year – that bloody Mary looks just the thing for the morning after.
Thanks Erica, it definitely woke a couple of them up! :)
I remember that German tradition. When Rory was little we used to spend New Year’s Eve with friends and their family. Their dad is German so he used to organise this for everyone. Lovely memories you’ve brought back for me.
Thank you Trish. Happy New Year! :)
I. want. a. bloody. mary. NOW!! #BetterPhotosProject
We have both gin and tomato juice left! :D Thank you! :)
Positivity what a great word choice. Definitely an owl isn’t it. Happy New Year.
Thank you J, Happy New Year to you too! :) x
Beautiful photos and a Happy New Year to you, we chose the same word, positivity :)
Now I positively NEED that gin ;)
Thanks Annie! Great minds! :) xx
Bleigießen is something I always wanted to do with my classes when I taught German, but I figured the school authorities would not look kindly on pouring molten lead in the classroom (can’t you just see the headlines if there were to be an accident?) It’s been years since I’ve done it. Our New Year’s Eve was spent overlooking the ski slopes in Korea. Lovely fireworks and a few cocktails, but after a day on the slopes, we barely stayed awake through the fireworks. Love the idea of one word theme for the year – ‘positivity’ is a wonderful choice – especially for me, since I tend to be such a cynic. Would you mind sharing?
Happy 2014!!! xo
Happy New Year! Of course I don’t mind sharing! :) I believe you can do BleigieBen with bees wax too… xxx
Hendricks – that’s what I have to mention first and the second is your NYE tradition, I love it and wish I could do one, how fab.
Positivity is a brilliant idea, mine is balance
The best gin isn’t it? Thanks Mari… Love Balance too! :) x
And a very Happy New Year to you all – sounds like an interesting NYE! Is that really a stick of celery?! x
It was yes! :D Thank you, and to you too! It was a brilliantly bright sunny morning here on New Year’s day, so I took this in the sun streaming through the window, which makes it look a bit washed out! xx
Sounds like you all had a lovely time!! Wish we could have been there.xx
I so wish you could have been here too! Oh well, next year! We will be at home for that, promise! :) xxx
oh what a cool tradition is it a bit whiffy with the melting lead?? what was your shape?
It was a little, but we had the back door open! :D Mine was a shoe, which means I will suffer from nightmares or something ridiculous! :D
Happy New Year Emma. xxx
You too Rachel! :) xxx
A Bloody Mary is one of my husband’s faves! I’m looking at the picture and really not seeing an owl. Maybe I’ve stared at it for too long. Wishing you a wonderful start to 2014 – it’s been a joy to read your blog during 2013 and I can’t wait to hear more about your next adventures.
Thank you so much Rachel… You too my friend! :) xx
I love a bloody mary, but no real need for a pick-me-up today as we had a very quiet new year’s eve. Ended up drinking cointreau, which was a bit unexpected…but Christmas always seems like a good time to delve into the depths of the drinks cupboard!
Your evening sounds a lot of fun and love the idea of the melted-shape-fortune-telling tradition – as you say an owl’s got to be good, surely something to do with wisdom?
Happy New Year! x
Thank you T… Happy New Year to you too! We had a very quiet Christmas so made up for it on New Years Eve instead…
Positivity is a great word and I am forging ahead with this word for 2014. All the best for you and your family in 2014.
Thank you Brina…. You too, Happy New Year! :)
This takes me back! I remember doing this at New Year’s Eve Parties as a child.
Happy New Year!
Thanks Maggy. Happy New Year to you too! :)
‘still’ asleep?! I’m not convinced some members of my household will try to wake up at all today!
I hope they are up today?? :D Happy New Year! :)
mmm I could do with one of those right now! Happy New Year!
And it has to be one of your five a day as well right? Thank you, Happy New Year to you too! :)
Sounds like a perfect New Year and enjoy relaxing today. I’m looking for some new traditions as New Year seems like such a let-down after Christmas so will look into the German tradition. Best wishes for lots of positive things coming your way in 2014 x
Thank you Kirsty… Happy New Year to you too, and I hope you have a great positive year as well! :) xxx
I miss Bleigiessen and guessing what all the funny shapes and shadows mean. Have a Happy New Year x
I didn’t know about the shadow thing Carolin!! Remind me when December comes around again, and I will post you some if we are still here! :D Happy New Year! :) xx
Yes, most people think that you have to find out what your actual figurine means, but you have to throw the shadow of it and the shadow shows you what your future holds ;)
I had no idea… going to have to find the bits somewhere in the kitchen now!! :D Thanks Carolin!
Sounds like you had an amazing night, a street party sounds wonderful… I wonder if I could coax my grumpy neighbours out for a New Years sing-a-long (erm, maybe not).
Thank you. It was only really a street party for the fireworks, but very jovial in any event! :D Happy New Year! :)
Sadly I’m not allowed to drink but just looking at that Bloody Mary is enough to make me bright eyed and bushy tailed! I’m glad you had a wonderful time and hope that 2014 is an excellent one for you and your family.
(It definitely looks like an owl!)
I think it would work equally well without any alcohol too! :) Thank you Stacey, you too! :)
Glad to see the gin coming in useful! If only we had some tomato juice here in the sticks – far too rainy and stormy to venture out this New Years Day so will have to make do with your lovely photo and imagine how it would taste! A very Happy New Year to you all lets see what adventures 2014 has in store for us. It sounds as though you had great fun last night. x
And as you got to bed much later than we did Mum!! We had a brilliant night thank you, hope you did too! My cheeks actually hurt from laughing more than my head which is a plus! xxx