Well hi, it’s been a while… What a funny old time it’s been, and the world still seems a little mad for both pandemic (and now sadly other reasons) – part of the reason I haven’t been here much if I am honest, it just hasn’t felt right…
After thinking long and hard, I find that I do still want to write here though, it’s always been a record of our lives as our children grow up (and grow up they are – rapidly!) and the things we embark on together…
So news since we last spoke? We went abroad for the first time in forever at half term – to Switzerland!! I have plenty of posts to write about that (coming soon!)…
We have a puppy – the most ridiculous cockapoo – we got him last August, I had chosen the sweet quiet tiniest one of the group, but this boisterous plant-eater kind of chose us, and he is the most brilliant if not totally bonkers part of our family – he fits in brilliantly. We obviously have a huge age gap with our gang, and at times it was obvious that the youngest member of the family was really lonely in the lockdowns, so this was part of the reason we decided to add a fuzzy member to our brood. I am happy to report they do get on brilliantly together for the most part, even if the dog was persona non grata for a while last week when he ate MecaGodzilla….
We hope to do a lot of travelling this year, in the most part to visit family that we haven’t seen now for a really long time. We have two brand new American nephews that we need to meet!
We also have the wedding of the year to look forward to – my youngest sister’s! It’s been cancelled twice so this really is third time lucky and it promises to be a brilliant English Country wedding (touches wood rapidly).
So if you’re still here, I am really pleased. And if I am just talking to myself, that’s OK too… I will be able to read it all back one day and hopefully be able to smile at some of it…
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