I still haven’t caught up, so please forgive me while I jump back a couple of weeks to our Florida trip…
I wonder whether the inventor of Lego ever envisaged enormous theme parks based on his little (then) wooden bricks back when he came up with them in the 1940’s. Or if he knew how his (now multi-coloured plastic) little bricks would become so hugely popular that it’s estimated that every single person on earth owns something like 65 bricks each ( although I am not exactly sure how they came up with that figure!)!
And of course huge Lego theme parks do actually now exist, and have done for some time… No expat contract in Denmark would ever be complete without a visit to the original Legoland in Billund. The Small People were absolutely determined that we were going to make it there, and we did. And I still love my picture of Lego Nyhavn complete with little beer drinking figures!
As you might have gathered, Small Boy is going through something of a Star Wars phase, so when he was told that Legoland Florida featured a big Star Wars exhibit, that was it – we were definitely going (Star Wars is just around the corner from New York by the way, up the slope from Hollywood, and worth the trip “across America” to the six planets complete with moving figures, and to say a quick hi to C3P0 (or C345P0 if you are Eight and really want to wind your little brother up!)).
Legoland Florida was once home to Cyprus Gardens – a botanical garden once famous for its water-skiing contests. As one of Florida’s earliest (and perhaps more “leisurely”) “theme” parks, I bet the creators of Legoland Florida couldn’t believe their luck with this pre-prepared site to build their Lego on! And it’s because of this that in some areas it does retain some of that vintage feel, especially in the sprawling garden sections – it’s quite easy to imagine what it was like back in its heyday (check out the “Island in the Sky” for an original ride, and to get a glimpse of the entire park!).
Set out into different Lego-themed “lands” such as Lego Kingdom and Pirate Cove, I do think this is a place aimed at a certain age-group (as I did with Legoland DK)… Yes, there are attractions for the very young (such as Duplo Village), but they are few and far between. And quite honestly teenagers are not going to thank you for bringing them here unless they are completely crazy about the coloured blocks themselves (especially with the more adventurous parks just up the road!), but there are a couple of slightly exciting roller coasters such as CoasterSaurus and Flying School that might placate them if they don’t mind queuing… And you will be spending quite a lot of your day queuing….
I think the favourite ride of the day for the Small People was probably a toss-up between the “Royal Joust” a ride where you become a valiant knight riding into battle (albeit very slowly) on life-sized lego horses, or “Merlin’s Challenge”, a ride that reminded us all very much of the Galley Ships at Tivoli, back in the homeland of Lego…
Mini Land USA is fun, and whoever built this had a good sense of humour. Look out for the mini Obama family on the steps of The White House, and the dead body in the desert in Las Vegas! I also loved Central Station with its intricate chandeliers and working escalators.
I enjoyed watching plenty of this vast country’s patriotic citizens admiring its famous buildings in Lego form. Whilst standing next to one family, a mother proudly boasted to her lot that she had been inside nearly all of the buildings that lay before her. “No you haven’t, you wouldn’t fit” came the quick-witted retort from Grandma… Cue lots of tutting and groaning, but it made me laugh!
The pirate themed show was fun, and kept the Six Year Old enthralled for its entirety. Making use of some of Cyprus Garden’s history, it also featured some pretty cool water-skiing girls which kept The Eight Year Old entertained too. Just don’t sit at the front – you will get wet as you might expect…
We found the Park to be laid out nicely, and it isn’t too overwhelmingly vast. There are some good rides for children aged 5-10, and some good healthier eating options as well. The Small People loved the idea of the Lego Figure Swap (keep an eye out for the badges displayed by members of staff, if you like the look of that particular Lego Figure, and you have one to swap, then Bob’s your uncle!) and the Eight Year Old also loved the Lego Friends section. Herein lies perhaps my only complaint (apart from the queues, and the rather cheeky car park fee on top of the entry!) to LegoLand Management… Girls actually like Lego. And undoubtedly they are going to be attracted by the pink and purple stuff you thought you might test the waters with, so you might want to look into increasing the size of your Lego Friends shop somewhat? Being squished into an area so tiny and claustrophobic that it gives you an insight as to how it feels to be a Tokyo commuter, probably doesn’t increase your sales that much (which was perhaps a good thing what with limited suitcase space and all)… But thanks to their Grandparents The Small People both found something they liked in one of your many other shops, and both came away very happy with their day. You might also have noticed a slight peak in the sales of your Star Wars Lego selection that day!!…
I didn’t realise it was once Cypress Gardens, I remember that from being a child.
I’m a bit ashamed to say we didn’t leave Disney on our holiday to Florida…but with the good excuse that we were pretty exhausted and wanted as stress free a trip as possible.
Next time, we plan to explore further. xx
When you do that Island in the sky thing, you can see how it was when it was Cyprus Gardens still! As long as you had fun, who cares! :D xx
Wow! Well this puts Legoland Windsor in the shade somewhat! I love the mini land, the sculptures look amazing :)
That was probably my favourite part too. Thanks Sarah! :)
We still have happy memories taking Rory to Legoland, Windsor. It was sunny!!
I am glad to hear that that is possible Trish! Thank you :)
Looks amazing. The waterskiing lego figures stand out for me. H loved the lego world display when we went to the Windsor park.
Thanks Erica, the water skiing was impressive, especially with those big heads on! :D
What an amazing place. I’ve never been to a Legoland home or abroad. Think I’d quite like too though :-)
I reckon I might know two little boys who might quite like it in a couple of years time :)
It really looks like fun, even for adults! Love the water-skiing idea, just fab! :) xx
Thank you… :)xx
Wow! Sounds amazing, the kids must have been in heaven! Do feel a bit guilty because we’ve rather failed on the theme park front…haven’t even been to Legoland here yet. Don’t know how we’ve got away with it for so long!
The kids loved it! I think you’ve actually done well on the not going before now front! ;)
That looks so different to my Legoland experience in Britain! It was a dreary, wet, cold March day. Empty rides was kind of good except that it made the place look deserted and unloved. AND it was my daughter’s first experience on a ‘roller coaster’ (it could barely be called that it was so mild–for the little ones like her), and she was terrified all the way around, making me feel like a bad mother!
But this looks FAB! Glad it was so enjoyable x
Funnily enough, thinking back I don’t think I have ever visited a similar place in the UK in the sun!! Thanks Michelle! :) x
Fab photos and sounds like a great day out. We have yet to venture to any theme parks with the little one yet. I fear the day must be coming soon though so it’s useful to read some reviews and get some tips!
Thanks Mary… Tis indeed best to be prepared! :D
Oh my word i didnt expect a legoland in Florida i better not let my hubby know about this he is itching to go to legoland if he sees this plans will change…. maybe thats not such a bad idea i could use some sunshine
I don’t think it’s been there all that long! I think you should go (when you can obv!) think of all that sun ;)
oooh no I like you going back over your trip to Florida….we leave 2 weeks today and we are all SO excited! Being huge Lego and Legoland Fans here we are umming and arrhing about whether to add this park to our lists of Must Do’s. Being annual pass holders for Windsor we were rather hoping that might gain us some discount in Florida, but the two parks seem a little unclear on their rules over that one!! Great review, and heads up on the Friends shop, B loves the Friends lego ;)
I am not sure whether you will get any discount unfortunately, but as Legoland fans you will love this place (just go early to the Lego Friends shop!!) :D Thank you xx
This was Maxi’s favorite park when we went to Florida in February
I think it’s perfect for that age group, so much stuff for them to do! Thank you Jen! :)