My last blog featured a couple of posts called “Pictures From a Morning’s Walk”. Apart from getting me into the habit of taking my camera everywhere with me, like the blog itself the posts have encouraged me to explore places in search of interesting pictures. Ultimately it’s interesting (for me at least!) to look back on, and evokes memories of the various sights and sounds of our country of residence at the time.
I plan to take some “Pictures on a Morning’s Walk” every once in a while on this blog too. But why a morning’s walk and not an afternoon’s? Well I suppose because the morning is mostly when I get a little bit of time to myself having dropped the children off, inbetween all the little chores that somehow fill up the week.
Hopefully through these posts I will be introducing all of us to new areas and perhaps improving my photography too! Here’s my first lot, taken yesterday morning in a Christmassy Munich City Centre…
A morning of food stalls and brown dogs, examining posh cakes and strange fruits (my nose located the durians!), familiar cheese and strange faces (can you spot it?) in one of the best Thai lunches I have had in a very very long time…. I think I am going to like it here!
Gorgeous photos, I saw the face in the pillar too until you mentioned your plate of food!
I love those hearts, aren’t they beautiful – I think I’d spend a fortune in those markets
They are beautiful… There’s a very homemade feel to a lot of the Christmas decorations over here… :)
Thanks for sharing your morning walk! Lovely pictures and sights captured. Like the look of those posh cakes….
Thanks Kitty! I miss the morning walks in CPH! Will try one of the cakes next time around! Emma :)
Hello from Barcelona!
got to find you via Mummy’s Little Monkey blog horn…
Hello!! Thanks for popping over! :)
Stumbled across your blog when searching for more information on St.Lucia celebrations. Having been brought up on the outskirts of Munich until the age of ten -when we upped and moved to Scotland- this brings back lovely memories of my childhood :-). Will be coming back for a look every so often :-)
I am so pleased you came over to have a look! Thank you :) Hope you are not snowed in up there! We are expecting more snow tomorrow, but at last the mountains are well and truly covered. They look beautiful (when the fog lets us see them!)…. :)
Are durians the smelly things? I remember being on holiday in Malaysia and there were hundreds of them, it was a horrible smell…what do you do with them?
You cut them open, and eat them a bit like a ugli fruit. It tastes like a cross between onions and custard! :) xx
those cakes look very odd. do you mean the face on the fountain pillar?
And now I have found a face on the pillar! Well done! I actually meant the plate of food at the end. I don’t think it was intentional but it made me laugh. It also made me look very odd laughing to myself as I was on my own! :)