Getting started
My other half definitely married the wrong person when it comes to Skiing – he is extremely good at it, and I am extremely bad. And it’s not like I haven’t tried either, I have been on several skiing trips in the past, and had the works when it comes to group and private lessons… But all to no avail – skiing and I just don’t get on. In fact, that’s a complete understatement. We hate each other.
Accidentally Going Backwards
My husband on the other hand thinks skiing is heaven on earth, and could quite easily spend every spare minute he has chucking himself down some death-defying slope. Luckily for him, I don’t mind spending time on, in and around mountains (which is probably just as well), and I am quite happy to find other activities to occupy myself while he indulges – like gluhwein sampling for example, or snow shoe walking, taking photographs and/or general people watching (there seems to be some strange kind of seventies snow suit revival going on by the way)…
There was absolutely no way I was ever going to stop him passing his love of skiing on to his children either, and desperate to get them started properly, he booked them on to a day long lesson last Saturday… Just the two of them (the aftermath of which was the subject of my Silent Sunday last week)…
Mastering the kinder-lift
I had been slightly worried about how they would get on, as a) it was snowing quite heavily, and b) it was for the WHOLE day, but reasoned with myself that if I just went to the nearest warm and dry lodge (with big open fire), and spent the day there, the lovely instructor could always call me if either of them had enough. And so I did exactly that, leaving Mr R to indulge in his great love, while his other great love(!) sat by the fire and actually read a book, all without any interruption… I might have also indulged in orange punsch – an Austrian speciality, oh and as we were in Austria a piece of Sacher Torte, which was no great hardship.
Best of all, at the end of the day the Small People had done really well, and had advanced to the stage where Mr R could perhaps feel comfortable taking them out by himself next time around. And not only did they sleep soundly that night (and we were treated to a very rare lie-in the next morning), over breakfast they too declared their undying love for Skiing, and said they couldn’t wait to go back. Finally, one of Mr R’s greatest wishes as a Father has been granted!!
Going the right way this time...
And I too can perhaps rejoice in the fact that I foresee many more peaceful fireside “skiing” days in my future! Do you know, I might just love skiing after all?!
We spent the day at Gschwandtkopf, which is ideal for beginners, and less busy than nearby Garmisch. Gschwandtkopf is not “overly challenging” for really experienced skiers however (not my words obviously!)… Contact WeissBlau for private lessons… English-speaking instructors can be arranged in advance.
You and I would get on just fine! Paul loves to ski, albeit rather badly, but much to the horror of the Swiss, I hate it. Lessons, lessons and more lessons … all completely wasted on me. Give me a warm drink and a piece of cake inside a cosy lodge, and I’m happy all day. Hope my boys can embrace it like your children. I’m happy to accompany them but then wave them off for the day.
It really is the perfect compromise! :D The people here are very much of the opinion that I haven’t tried this or that, or haven’t had enough lessons blah blah blah. They honestly can’t believe that I actually hate it! :D
My husband is also a keen skier and I am terrible. I do snowboard, but am only slightly better at that.
Yay, to many peaceful fireside days for you :)
Thanks Emma, I am looking forward to them! :) xx
Ah bless Sam! Too sweet. Look at that smile in the last pic, i think you may be spending more time than you realised on the slopes/apres ski than youd bargained for x
Thanks Em. Apart from Mr R, and Luce, only you perhaps understand my relationship with skiing! :D Yep, so nice they both enjoyed it though. Speak soon! xxx
Oh get out of town, you love it! Well I’d love that cake and drink anyway……let’s share one of those sometime soon……xxxxx
VERY soon! :) xxxxxxxxx
Geat story of a great day, specially you part in it. Enjoying their fun in the snow and your comfortable seat near the fire. My relationship with skiing never was a succes either, so I would have loved to join you!
And you’d be more than welcome. Thank you Ietje, hope all is well with you. xxxx
What beautiful scenery! My husband is the same, he LOVES skiing and A & J seem to share his enthusiasm, whereas me… Not really my thing! Stunning pictures x
I highly recommend cake and gluhwein sampling… Thank you Mama Owl! :)
Ha! We’re sort of like you two but reversed, and more mild–husband doesn’t HATE skiing, but isn’t thrilled by it. I don’t think t’s the best thing ever but I do love it. For us the compromise has been ‘maybe we’ll go sometime,’ but we’ve never made the effort to do it. I know that if I really pushed for it we would (but I stumble at the idea of collecting together all the STUFF for a family of 6…!)
Gorgeous family pix, as usual :)
I can imagine, you would need some big suitcases for all of that! Have to say though that the ski hire here was a pleasure compared to some in France I have had the displeasure of going to! Thank you, much appreciated! :)
Dougie tried it once and damaged his knee. Rory tried once on a school trip and was a bit ‘meh’ about it. I have never been skiing but love cake.
You would at least like it for something then! :D Thanks Trish!
Do you need some company for that Glühwein sampling? ;o)
Looks like everybody is having fun!
The more the merrier! :D
wonderful opportunity to learn so young – I’ve never skied, I have tried snowboarding – I am rubbish but I love it. I would love to be able to go more often than every 5 years!
Definitely saves all that embarrasment I went through if you learn at a young age I reckon! Thanks Gemma! :)
You are a woman after my own heart! I have tried skiing a few times and it is fun on a clear day but also a little terrifying and I would much rather be sat by the fire with a book and a piece of that Sacher torte!
You can join me next time if you like? We can let our families get on with it! :)
I am nodding my head and smiling vigorously (can you smile vigorously?!) , as this sounds so familiar. I’m looking forward to the days when my husband can take the girls skiing entirely by himself and I can spend the week in a spa!
A Spa… I hadn’t even thought of that… Thank you Julie, thank you! :D
I haven’t skied for ages – long before kids and never with my other half. SO keen to go, some day soon I hope. Lovely seeing the photos of your two starting out. They pick it up really quickly, don’t they? Mind you it wouldn’t take mine long to be better than me! I’d want to give skiing a go again though, but also rather taken by the sound of your day! x
I really recommend this part of the world over some of the others too you know, I learned in not quite so inspiring surroundings in France. I reckon I would have enjoyed it a lot more in the more picturesque alpine surroundings, with no rude people in the lift queues and ultra friendly staff everywhere you go… perhaps it would have encouraged me to like it! :)
That was the first thing I thought a sentence before I read that you thought of it too. I wish you many relaxing ski trips by the fire, a good book, a glass of something and a plate of something else. It’s great when you find your passion.
Why thank you, I plan on doing just that! :)
Let’s just say that my hubby can’t wait to get my wee man on the slopes! He is a skiing fanatic and hates that he can’t go as often as he would like. I’m not so bad and do enjoy going but relaxing with a good book and just taking pictures would trump it for me!
The earlier the better according to my other half! Hope you get to go soon (take your camera and a book!)… :)
How utterly fabulous and what a wonderful thing to gift to little ones with their low center of i bet they went wizzing down the sloaps
Thank you! They loved it. And I was quite annoyed at how good they were compared to when I started! :D
I love the way you have put this post together and the forwards and backwards skiing photos! It looks like wonderful ski weather with you at the moment. I think my kids would settle for a little sledging but we have had no snow all winter, barely even a frost in fact! Lovely to see your photos and sounds like father and son are going to have plenty in common with their love of skiing over the coming years! Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.
Thanks Fiona, he has waited for the day he can ski with both of them for a very long time! :D Emma :)
your children are so good on the snow arent they? i have only been skiing once and i did enjoy it but i was rubbish at getting myself back up if i fell down – had to wait til someone passed by to help me up again!!
you have taken some lovely photos of them all and looking at that food made me a bit peckish!! (almost my tea time here!) x
Thank you Jenny… I think it’s because of where we have made them live! I reckon if we moved to a hot country after this, they would be totally lost – it’s in their blood now! :D Glad you like the pics! I highly recommend Sacher Torte should you find some! :)
ah my OH is the same, although he is a snowboarder and a little unhappy that i said i thought they should start with skis. Slightly easier and less bumps!! i love your snowy ski slopes, really makes me miss the mountains.
Thanks Sarah… I can understand why you want them to start on skis, then they might actually like the mountains! Too much falling over with snowboarding I reckon! :D
Ah just like his Daddy! He looks to be loving it. They were brave to go on the kinder lift. But I am with you, prefer the log fire and apres ski !
Thank you… They both loved it and progressed to the button lift after this! :D Yep, the apres ski is definitely the more sensible option in my honest opinion! :D xxx