As you might have guessed from my previous post, I have been back to my favourite city for a (very) flying visit…
The reason for the brief return home? All thanks to being subjected to the strangest ever emergency dentist appointment a couple of weeks ago in Munich…
I had kind of hoped that this appointment would lead to being “patched up” until I could see my own dentist when I was next back in the UK, but that didn’t quite happen!
Everything seemed positive at first, the staff were quite friendly and they ushered me through to the surgery and sat me in the Dentist’s chair. Unable to converse with me because of the language barrier (but obviously aware that I had a wait ahead), they decided that because I was English I would probably like to watch Mr Bean in the meantime (“because he’s English too!”)!… And so I sat there for over half an hour being subjected to Mr Bean and his faulty TV aerial, an episode that culminates in the spectacle that is Mr Bean in his over sized grey Y-Fronts. Which was, quite typically the precise point that the Dentist finished his lunch (my guess) and decided to grace me with his presence!
The appointment commenced with him stating that “all English people have very bad teeth” before I had even opened my mouth (Because really, every single person on the British Isles has appalling gnashers, every single one!), he then basically declined to treat me then-and-there (obviously still had a lunchtime crossword to finish!), and insisted that I make a further appointment, when he “might” be able to sort out the tooth in question. Not likely!! The look of shock on the receptionist’s face when I turned down the further appointment with this man, was by far the highlight of my visit, stating that I would instead be visiting my own vastly better, more professional and lovely Dentist in London…
And so I guess I have Mr Arrogant Dentist to thank for influencing my decision to fly home for a couple of very pleasant days. I should also thank him for the fabulous “welcome home” view flying in, and the glimpse of beautiful (almost) Spring in London – the crocuses and daffodils are out and everything…
If I felt really gracious (and could forget the pain of the actual reason for my visit – but at least it was at the hands of my own sympathetic, kind and capable dentist, who solved the problem immediately – hallelujah!), I guess I should also thank him for the time spent catching up with some of my nearest and dearest, including two of my closest friends who went out of their way to pop over!
I managed to fit in a decent (well overdue) haircut, indulge in various missed food-stuffs (including fish and chips!), and stock up on various necessary staples not available in Germany! Thank you for that too!
I squeezed in a night out with my Dad, lovely Step-Mum and youngest sister as well! The usually quiet(ish) local, had been taken over for a Northern Soul charity night, which was a little surreal, but the music was fantastic! I have never seen so many pork-pie hats and fifties dresses in one place. It was however quite dangerous to venture to the toilet in fear of being whacked by tangled and flailing limbs on the dance floor, but it was a good night, so for that as well – dankeschön!
But the biggest thank you of the lot is for the time I got to spend time with my very funny Nephew. So far he has refused to take off the Carnival Mouse hat I bought him. He insists on wearing it literally everywhere…(snigger!…)
Hopefully, (Husband’s work permitting), I will be back again soon enough to do a re-run of this… Let’s hope I make it in time again this time around?!?
Erica Price says
Fancy saying we all have bad teeth. Bet he only gets to see those British people desperate enough not to wait till they go home. Glad you enjoyed your trip home – guess you needed that after been subjected to Mr Bean.
bavaria says
Thanks Erica! I know… bit of a generalisation! And yes, I definitely definitely enjoyed my trip home! Emma :)
Helen from the good life mum says
Hehe subjected to Mr Bean omg that sounds awful I hate Mr Bean I would rather have a tooth pulled out
bavaria says
Aha, maybe that was what he was hoping too! Thanks Helen :)
Frankie Parker says
lucky you for being able to wing yourself back to good old blightly.. That is an amazing silent sunday photo…
Thanks also for the reminder about Google Friends, best i get on to it…
bavaria says
Aw Thanks Frankie! Very lucky we didn’t move to California hey? Wouldn’t have been quite so easy! Thanks so much for subscribing too! Emma :) xx
helloitsgemma says
What a cutie! love the hat and I can see his attachment.
Sounds like you have been having back to back fun – shame about the teeth but hey, every cloud has a silver lining!
Fabulous silent sunday post too.
bavaria says
Thanks Gemma :) xx
Mañana Mama says
I’ve heard haircuts are nice…must try one someday ;)
Funny, isn’t it, how the dental chair is so often a staging ground for slapstick national stereotypes.
bavaria says
Haircuts are nice, but you do get told off for not having one for a very long time! You have been warned ;)
I honestly couldn’t believe the stereo-typing, it was ridiculous! But at least I can see the funny side :)
MsCaroline says
Ow! So sorry to hear about the Very Arrogant Dentist, but it sounds like you made the very best of a bad situation! I wish we were close enough to home to ‘pop over’ for a weekend….it sounds lovely, and I’m most jealous of the daffodils, crocus, etc, since we have nothing of the sort even starting yet here in Seoul!
bavaria says
Always make the best of things, especially if a trip to M&S might be involved!! Not much coming up here yet either! Do you still have snow? :)
Midlife Singlemum says
Why do dentists insist on two visits – one to see the problem and another to fix it? My dentist does that too. He has the x-rays, he has fillling materials, he usually has some time…. Why? Glad you got a mini-break in though.
bavaria says
Thank you! Extra money for the next appointment undoubtedly!!
bavaria says
Brilliant, let me know when! Mouse hats are plentiful in Munich too :)
kelloggsville says
Lose touch?! I’m plotting a trip to Munich lol!
kelloggsville says
PS I NEED one of those hats!