*The name I give to the little trips I take home from time to time. The little trips that help keep this particular Expat going…
They give me the opportunity to reaffirm my sense of self, complete with the added bonus of the chance to catch up with a few “history friends” (the term I give to those who have known me for many years) – although I never get to see as many as I would like…
Soul Plasters help me feel renewed and allow me to re-bond with those important, and let me remember who I was before we left (something that will doubtless sound strange to those that haven’t lived this migratory (and at times) unsettling lifestyle). They let me spend valuable time with family too, and observe the changes that come with time spent apart. I find I enjoy most of the changes, but must come to terms with others.
They mean precious nights out grabbed with my sisters in the rediscovered places we love best. Stomachs aching from laughing into the early hours, and then affording us the time to commiserate together over shared headaches (and equally rare bacon sandwiches) early the next morning. And all with the bittersweet acceptance that these occasions are not quite as common as they used to be.
They mean that I can also stock up on “memory pictures” of the spectacle that is London in the Spring, filing them away for a later date when it all seems so far away. England looking as it always did when we lived there, despite the years that have disappeared.
And when it’s time to leave them all to it once again, and come back to this life, these “soul plasters” leave me filled with appreciation that despite the time that has passed, and the knowledge that home will always be where my husband and my own little family are, England will always be my sanctuary and my head-quarters. I love coming back here again, but it was good to be really home. Even for a short while…
My nephew also catching up with an old friend at my Grandparent’s house…
Emma says
Soul plasters is a phrase I can relate too. Our phone calls are those to me too x
bavaria says
Aw, big hug Em, will call you in the next day or so xxx
Sarah MumofThree World says
What a beautiful post. Made me really think about what must be like to live in a different country away from your family and old friends.
bavaria says
Thanks Sarah. It’s not always easy, but the good often outweighs the bad. Thank you :)
Dragonsflypoppy-White Feathers says
A beautiful post and I love your phrase ‘soul plasters’. This is exactly how I feel when we head to West Penwith in Cornwall each summer. It is so replenishing for my soul. Lovely words and pictures x
bavaria says
It’s a strange feeling isn’t it? Thank you DragonflyPoppy! :)
Jaime Oliver says
Soul plasters is so so lovely, what a a really lovely post x
bavaria says
Thank you Jaime! :) x
suzanne3childrenandit says
Precious moments. I can’t imagine what it must be like to move around so often but the friends and family left behind must be so important during the trips home. I love your description of nights out with the girls and headaches the morning after! So special :) Thanks for linking to #oldiesbutgoodies.
bavaria says
Thank you Suzanne. So bittersweet going back. Love it for the good memories though, and the knowledge that it will one day be forever! :)
Mama Owl says
What a brilliant post, soul plasters – love it! x
bavaria says
Thank you Mama Owl! :) x
Donna @ Little Lilypad Co says
Sometimes we all need a little plaster to make things better xx
bavaria says
Indeed we do. Thank you Donna! :) xx
Sarah @ The View From the Table says
What a lovely post and yes, the name is perfect. Glad you’ve had a little plaster to tide you over x
bavaria says
Thanks Sarah… It will do for now! :D xx
Emma says
I love this post and I can totally identify. We lived in DC for 5 years and the trips home were so important. Everyone needs to touch backed with old friends and places from time to time. Xx
bavaria says
Thanks so much Emma! Yes, it#s so important isn’t it! Makes you realise what you take for granted as well! xx
Lou says
You sum it up so beautifully and I love your terminology. On my first trip back to England I’ll be photographing everything because you just don’t do it when you live there do you? now I wish I had a little stock pile of ‘memory photos’ to remind me of people and places.
bavaria says
Thank you Lou. Enjoy stocking up! :)
Mary says
I love the term ‘soul plasters’ and I love this post. I so understand how you feel. The good thing is the level of appreciation it gives you for ‘home’ and your history friends. Thanks for capturing it so beautifully in words. x
bavaria says
True enough! The time we spend with those people is made even more important as it’s concentrated! :) Thank you for reading! x
fivegoblogging says
Oh I need a soul plaster!
I was an expat for almost 5 years and I had to come home at least twice a year to keep my sanity!
But when you are at home, a soul plaster can be equally needed to remind you of what makes you happy and to appreciate what you have.
A lovely post x
bavaria says
Thank you… You completely get the soul plaster thing then! Where did you live? One day I can pick your brain as to what it’s like to repatriate! xx
Trish says
Your grandfather’s pairing has such vibrant colours in it, I love it.
A beautiful post, Emma. I’m pleased you were able to stock up on memories to keep you going.
bavaria says
Thank you Trish… This one wasn’t quite finished, there are a few stacked up against each other in this room. Quite nerve-wracking when there are Small People about as you might imagine! :D
Helen says
Oh i love your clever terms i feel all warm and gooey inside from soul plasters, and history friends is just the best Ali and i have some of those as many people prob do. I also have a stock of memory pictures as well as videos in my head that i go to especially when i have to have horrid things done at the hospital. I might have to nick some of your terms as they just make compleate and utter sence. Xx
bavaria says
Thank you lovely. Hope all is well and you are not having too many horrible hospital procedures… :/
farfromhomemama says
How cute’s your nephew?!
I really understand what you mean about visits home being good for the soul. I sometimes lose the sense of who I am over here. That and I’ve found no one other than my little brother with the exact same sense of humour than me so I miss laughing none stop with him.
And … like you know … there’s Waitrose.
bavaria says
He is incredibly cute, and boy does he know it! :D
I love just fitting back in with the people that know me inside out, and that completely get my (at times quite odd) sense of humour too, I know exactly what you mean! And yes, they don’t know how lucky they are in the UK in terms of food shopping!!.. :D Thank you!
india pink says
It was so lovely to have you back for a bit, I haven’t laughed so much for a long time! Freddie has just told me the photo is ‘Beauful mummy’ It is a lovely photo, I would love to have a copy!! xxx
bavaria says
And one day, it will be for MUCH longer, and we will all spend MUCH more time together. Promise. xxxx PS. No problem, I have a few more for you as well!
A Patchwork Life says
Love ‘soul plasters’ – such a perfect way of putting it. Trips back must be so special, always feel living away makes you appreciate home more. Think the secret is to try not to pack too much in – I’ve learnt that the hard way on a few Ireland visits! Charging about can take the fun out of it. Difficult not to though.
Love ‘history’ friends too – so much better than ‘old’! :)
Brilliant news about being shortlisted, best of luck in the next round x
bavaria says
Gosh you are so right… Now if I am back for longer I tend to tell people, “we will be here from such and such a time” and then if they can make it brilliant, but if not, there’s always next time. It’s far too exhausting otherwise! Thank you very much, I am really pleased! :) x
Rachel says
Soul plasters – what a wonderful phrase. You’ve captured the expat tonic so well. Having now repatriated, I long for wanderlust plasters some days :)
bavaria says
I was thinking about that the other day… It must feel so strange at times! Thank you Rachel :)
Brinabird and Son says
So beautiful. I might steal that a “soul plaster”! I often need them x
bavaria says
Thank you. We all do I reckon! xx
Mama Syder says
I love your description, soul plasters. My soul plaster is North Devon, I feel so comforted when Im there.
Congrats on being shortlisted. I’m so pleased for you x
bavaria says
I am glad you understand what I mean… Thank you! I am so chuffed for you as well! xx
Michelle | The American Resident says
Soul plasters. Yes, that works! I agree we all need some of these on a regular basis x
bavaria says
So important I think, and as someone pointed out earlier, not just as expats! :) x
Funky Wellies says
Soul plasters… You could not have found a better name. xx
bavaria says
Thank you! xx
Mary says
Beautiful and a little sad. Sending you hugs.
bavaria says
Thank you Mary… I love your email address, just don’t go near any water in them please… :)
Jazzygal says
I just love your terminology….’soul plasters’ and ‘history friends’. A lovely post, beautifully worded and I suspect very much from your English heart of hearts ;-) beautiful photo too…. is that someone’s art work?
xx Jazzy
bavaria says
Thank you Jazzy… Glad you liked it. I didn’t intend for the post to sound like this, it kind of just came out that way! :D Yes, it is my one of my Grandfather’s paintings. xx
Sally (Recipe Junkie) says
Everyone needs soul plasters of some description or other – mine are my annual day out with my 3 best school friends. I love this post, though. Reminds me of my times living abroad.
bavaria says
I had no idea you had done that too, where did you live? Love the sound of your soul plaster day out with friends. They are good for us aren’t they?
Kelloggsville says
what a lovely picture (in the picture). Soul Plasters is a lovely description for what takes us back to ‘resting position’ even if that position is in reality a very busy time. It’s the way I feel about camp. My spiritual home. Is it the place, the people, the familarity or a mix of all that make it chicken soup for the soul?
bavaria says
Completely chicken soup for the soul! Thank you xx
TheMadHouse says
I adore the name and I do not think you have to be an expat to need soul plasters. Brill post
bavaria says
Aw thank you. You are kind xx