Rose & White Muisjes in a nod to our Dutch heritage, traditionally given to guests visiting a new born in many a Dutch household (initially aniseed was thought to be good for milk-production, but gradually it became a tradition to eat them to celebrate when a new baby was/is born – and yes, there are blue and white for a boy!)… You wouldn’t necessarily eat them on toast with rusks being the preferred option, but that was all we had first thing Saturday morning on the first day of my flying visit home to meet my teeny tiny niece (my sister is fully embracing all things pink and floral, having lived in a very male orientated household with two boys before now!…)
It’s nice to live in a country close enough to be able to pop home at relatively short notice at times like this, a luxury that a lot of my Expat friends don’t have, and I promise that I don’t take that for granted.
I can confirm that Celeste is gorgeous, and already has her big brothers wrapped around her little finger.
Pink English stocks for an English girl…
Saturday afternoon included a family lunch in the pub, a spot of rushed shopping before hurrying back to Celeste and an evening cooing over her whilst half watching Eurovision.
On Sunday morning after breakfast with Celeste, I became chief Cherry Vintage helper at Richmond’s Duckpond market for a couple of hours, before meeting up with family again for a birthday celebration overlooking the Thames…
And before the afternoon was over, it was time to think about leaving again, which gets harder each time, I am sure of it…It’s easy to pretend I am still living my old life when I am back, mainly because it’s so easy to fit straight back in. It’s just easy to feel a part of everything, and even stupid things like half-hearted arguments with my youngest sister about whether we were getting the bus home (diffused by realising that the serious man opposite us was dressed like the Phantom of the Opera) make me realise how much I miss “normal life” all the more…
Anyway, the new Fortnum & Masons shop cheered me up in Terminal 5 once I got to Heathrow, and although Bavaria will never be a long term home, it was nice to get back to my own little family…
Back to work today for the last 5 weeks of term before the summer break!
I need to know why he was dressed as the Phantom of the Opera??
You are such a traveller, I love that you thrilled at F&M Heathrow. I can’t even imagine the next time I might ever be at Terminal 5! I’m going to have to stick to the traditional one on Piccadilly.
I need to know that as well. He looked so serious, and not like he was going to a party! F&M Heathrow was nice, but nothing like the real thing!! Thanks Gemma x
You were a very helpful helper and we got home quicker didn’t we!! :) xxx
But is the Phantom inside your mind???!? xxx
So are they sprinkles then? I used to love Dutch crispbread as a teenager but I haven’t been able to find it since I’ve had kids.You sound like a very proud auntie Emma.
Definitely a form of sprinkles, but eaten on toast, rusks, cakes… This particular kind of muisjes has aniseed in which I love! :D Thanks Aly! :) x
Big welcome to your adorable niece! Lovely that you got to get back home for a while. I loved the photo of Richmond, such clarity. xx
Thank you V. Hope all is well! :) x
I hope I am not overstepping my bounds, but I am definitely curious as to why you sojourn in different countries. Is it your job? Your husband’s? Just for fun? I am the type of person who prefers to settle down in my community for the long-haul, so I’m finding this fascinating. It seems to me like you guys are wanting to move on– how is this decided?
Of course you’re not overstepping Rachel! We have lived in two different countries now most definitely mainly for my husband’s job, but also to experience life in different countries. And therein lies my problem – I found 2 years in Copenhagen the perfect amount of time, so having been here longer than that now, I find I have itchy feet and would quite like to move on! Not that there’s anything wrong with Bavaria, it’s gorgeous, clean and a wonderful place for children, but it’s a big world and I want to experience life in more of it before it really is time to put down roots somewhere! :D
Thanks! I was telling my husband about your blog (as we’re currently in Munich ourselves) and we had begun to wonder what was the driving force behind the move. I’m really impressed with how you handle the moves. Just coming over here for a mini-sojourn (3 months) put me into a tailspin of confusion. I vote for the US next time…I’d like to see your take on my part of the world :)
Portland may well be a possibility… We shall see! Thanks Rachel! Hope you are enjoying your time here! :)
It sounds like the most wonderful of weekends. I miss the baby days and while I don’t want another one, I am wistful when I see such a gorgeous baby and remember the lazy days spend in front of the TV rocking them to sleep. Now they never sit still long enough for more than a snatched cuddle.
It really was lovely to go back, horrible to leave, but so is the lot of an expat I suppose… Thanks Rachel! :) x
She is gorgeous! Welcome to the world little one! Welcome to the world!
Thanks so much Otilia! :) x
So glad you got to pop home and meet your niece and Richmond looks as if it was a gorgeous setting. Mich x
Thank you Mich! :) x
Aw, it must feel so strange going back home – sad that you’re leaving some of your family but happy to be back home. x x x
It’s a strange feeling! Thanks Cass! :) xxx
What a lovely post, it must be weird sometimes switching lives. Celeste is just gorgeous, I remember fully embracing pink with my first daughter, such a happy time.
Thanks so much Emma xx
I remember having that for breakfast when i lived in Holland many years ago, yummy
Great aren’t they? The powdered muisjes are my favourite – gorgeous on hot buttered toast! :)
It must be so wonderful to live close enough to return for celebrations such as this. Best of both worlds, perhaps!
I have been lucky so far to make most things! Thanks Sarah! :)
aw what a lovely tradition and what a gorgeous baby girl, congratulations to all the family.
Thank you Chloe! :)
Oh how lovely to see some pink, overwhelmed as I am too by so much male energy in this house! Such a beautiful baby :)) I’m always sad to see you’ve been so fleetingly in England but hope you manage to return one day too X
Thank you lovely Anya xx
It gets harder to leave after each visit and yet, for me, it gets harder to imagine actually going back to live in England. Expat life is a life of contradictions. Your niece is lovely. xxx
It’s a strange feeling isn’t it? I am sure we will end up back in England one day, I am just not sure where. I can just feel that our time here is past it’s sell by date now… And thank you… xxx