Having lived here for a little while now, I consider myself vastly more experienced in all matters bier fest than I was at this same point last year. Across Bavaria there will be much excitement this evening as new Maibaums are hidden away in preparation for the big day tomorrow (more on that later) resulting in lots of tiny bier fests kicking off across the land tomorrow afternoon.
And of course Frühlingsfest is also well under way in central Munich. I spent the day there yesterday having a wander, and came up with these Frühlingsfest observations and suggestions (perhaps to myself?) as to how to make the most of this truly Bavarian affair:-
- It might be held at the same site as the behemoth of all Bier Festivals, but Frühlingsfest is definitely Oktoberfest’s little sister, which means there are fewer tourists and far more locals… This is a good thing as the bier is cheaper.
- There are only two main tents, the Hippodrom, the Festhalle Bayernland and an outside bier-garten, which should give you some idea of size of it (especially compared to the 14 football pitched size tents of Oktoberfest)!
- It is actually quite depressing going to a bier fest on your own, even if your sole intention was to take photos. In lieu of real friends accompanying me, my imaginary ones insisted I would get some good pictures if I spent some time inside the tents, and made me order an Aperol Spritz to look more authentic. This also served well for creative purposes, and made me realise how stressed and pushy some of the Oktoberfest staff can be compared to the lovely Frühlingsfest staff in the nice and relaxed Hippodrom Tent yesterday.
- Going on a quiet day means you will have your choice of tables, but a full tent for a better atmosphere definitely makes.
- Putting your camera on some slightly different settings (although not intentional at first) will create pictures that give the impression that you have spent the whole day (and quite a lot of money) in one of the bier tents, but without the cost, having to queue for the loo, or the guaranteed headache…
- People watching becomes more fun as the day progresses, as is the case with all bier fests in general.
- The cakes are good. Might I suggest an Apple Doughnut or three?
- Forget about getting any blue sky pictures this year, the cloud is here to stay it seems.
- There are family days at most of these big fests when rides are cheaper, as are food and drinks. See www.meunchen.de for more information.
- Although posters may advertise the Frhülingsfest opening time as 11am, on a weekday not much will be happening until around 12pm in all honesty.
- Watch out for those trying to cover up the fact that they might have over indulged on the previous day. Did anyone see the state of Michelin Man yesterday?
- Have fun, and make a mental note to keep Saturday free for similar shenanigans, but this time with friends. And not imaginary ones.
Ruth says
What gorgeous photos! Looks like a fantastic colourful day :) x
bavaria says
Thank you Ruth. Yes, it’s definitely colourful! :D x
Sarah says
It seems to me a lot of celebrating goes on in Bavaria, not that it’s a bad thing but plenty of beer to always be drunk. I love your pictures of the rides and the exposure you’ve used, look really graphic almost. xx
bavaria says
Yes, the Bavarian’s will celebrate anything as long as it involves bier somewhere, I love that! :D Thank you… I am becoming less scared of the camera the more I use it! :) xx
Trish says
I clicked on the link to the Aperol Spritz – that’s my kind of drink!
bavaria says
It is sooo good Trish! :D
Mary Keynko says
The cakes and biscuits look so yummy and I can smell the coffee! note to self – must visit Germany!
bavaria says
Thank you Mary! You must. We have great cakes and coffee! :D
Chris at Thinly Spread says
Those whizzing photos are absolute fabulous! This sounds more my cup of tea (or glass of beer) than Oktoberfest, I’m not a fan of the crush! (Visiting via American Resident’s Sightseeing Where You Live linky :-))
bavaria says
Thanks so much Chris! :)
farfromhomemama says
This sounds right up my street rather than Oktoberfest. If you’re looking for someone to accompany you next year, give me a shout!
bavaria says
Definitely! :)
Notmyyearoff says
It looks like a brilliant festival – that first pic isn’t chocolate is it?
bavaria says
Thank you! It’s actually gingerbread, but I am guessing you could get chocolate versions as well! :)
Bass says
Just to add my tuppence , yip, a good set of fotos
bavaria says
Thank you Bass… You are kind! :)
A Patchwork Life says
I’d never heard of this one before, only really Oktoberfest – sounds fun without being too crazy, much more my scene! Love your pictures, will you be taking a spin on saturday? Great you’ve already done a recce! :)
bavaria says
Thank you! There are lots of varying sizes all year around. We only really get to hear about the biggest of the lot! And yes, probably! :D
Funky Wellies says
You really are an expert!! Fab photos.
Off to a Fest in a minute, as it happens… ;o) xx
bavaria says
Thank you! Hope you had fun today! :) xx
Mammasaurus says
Wicked photos! I LOVE the whizzing ones! You make me want to book a flight!
bavaria says
Thanks Annie! Hurry up, you can come with us on Saturday! :)
Grace says
Wish I had been with you darling. Your photos deffinately set the scene – brilliants. xx
bavaria says
Ta Mama… And soon you will have all the time in the world to come with me! :) xxx
Sarah @ The View From the Table says
This is definitely on my to do list. I like the sound of this one much more than Oktoberfest. Thanks for the local knowledge and yes Michelin Man was a total embarrassment! :)
bavaria says
There are so many of them, many of the bigger towns have them too, but we only really get to hear about Oktoberfest! And that is an amazing sight to see, but I have to say that having done both now, I probably wouldn’t bother if we weren’t part of a pre-booked table… Thanks Sarah! :)
Helen says
Its great having a blogging friend that gives great insights and tips like you as well as painting the world you share with amazing pictures
bavaria says
And I think it’s great to have a blogging friend who leaves lovely comments! Thank you :)
Michelle | The American Resident says
Such cool photos!! Those look like gingerbread I had in Aachen–and now I’m craving gingerbread.
bavaria says
Thank you, glad you like them. Slowly slowly getting to grips with my new camera (mostly thanks to the help of a friend!) I can bring gingerbread to share at Britmums if there’s decent tea to go with it!! :)
Michelle | The American Resident says
Well I LOVE german gingerbread… so I am SURE I can find some tea for you!! :)
bavaria says
It’s a deal! :)
Brinabird and Son says
Now this sounds like my type of festival. I would probably consume too much beer to take any pictures though. So probably better if I went with imaginary friends :)
bavaria says
And that is definitely what happens when we go with real friends! It was actually my son who asked whether I had gone with my imaginary friends when I told him where I had been. He still has a couple, and I kind of liked that idea! :D
Sally (Recipe Junkie) says
I always think the smaller less commercial things will always have something the bigger ones don’t. The Husband and I were lucky enough to go to New Orleans during the French Quarter Festival rather than Mardi Gras – loads of jazz and parades but not total madness, not as commercial and of course not as pricey. I’d love to go during Mardi gras one day, but the FQF was perfect!
bavaria says
Definitely definitely true! The French Quarter Festival sounds great! I loved New Orleans when we visited many moons ago. I remember trying to look sophisticated as we sat in a beautiful cafe garden eating beignets. Then a bird crapped on my head. Must go back one day (maybe with a hat next time!)!
Mother Goutte says
Brilliant photos as usual :) I love the beer festivals (and the beer!) in Munich.
Do you have a Dirndl ?!
bavaria says
Thank you! Yes, I actually have two! (a one I wear to most fests, and another that I couldn’t leave behind at that price in the sale. I am half considering selling that one!). I will be wearing mine this weekend :D
Mary says
Ha! I love the whizzy effect on the photos (intentional or not!) – it works brilliantly with the subject. If I ever have the choice I shall definitely choose FruhlingsFest over Oktoberfest. Here’s hoping you get to raise a glass to some sunny skies on Saturday (the weather here is also dismal right now – it’s all gone a bit haywire!)
bavaria says
Thank you! I do actually like both, I just like the more authentic smaller fests which have the added bonus of not usually being slightly embarrassed by some of my fellow countrymen after 27 Maß! :D Here’s to sunshine, may it blinking well hurry up!