If you are looking for things to do this Bavarian Summer holiday, you might like to know that tickets are now on sale for the July Kaltenberger Ritterturnier (or Kalternberger Knight Tournament if your German is as rusty as mine)…
We went for the first time last year (I went under duress I might add as the “lesser interested in Knights and the like” member of the family), but it turned out to be a brilliant day out, and if I could guarantee that we were going to be around, I would book tickets for this year too…
A few tips if you plan to go… Turn up early to make the most of the day, making sure you allow enough time to meet all the Knights, Vikings, Barbarians (really), the odd Witch, and all the other generally medieval folk who set up camp together in the forest for a few weeks before, during and after the Tournament.
If you are lucky, you might even get an invite to inspect the interior of their impressive dwellings, and part of you might even be as secretly jealous as I was (it certainly beats a stinky canvas tent with a damp sleeping bag as per the festival camping days of my youth) – plus they must have the best parties when all the visitors go home…
If you’re not an early bird, just make sure you turn up in time for the procession at least (usually around midday I think), this features all the forest dwellers, knights and horses (together with fire breathers, jesters, geese and someone you wouldn’t want to bump into on a dark night…) all in one huge colourful trail through the main thoroughfare…
Then grab some medieval fayre at one of the many great food stalls before taking your seat in the main arena. This is the bit that I thought I would find duller than dull, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. From the very elderly man in front of us who was so over excited at the entire thing, he spent the entirety leaping up from time to time, only to be cajoled into sitting back down by his son (and then repeating the whole process a few minutes later – which was more than amusing in itself); to the thundering horses that pass in touching distance. Then there are the Kings, the jesters, the flag bearers, and of course the magnificent knights who appear to be deft at turning a hand to many a knightly task (jousting, baddy bashing, damsel rescuing – all are in evidence). It’s all quite a spectacle!
And afterwards, finish the day with a final medieval dinner as we did, under the watchful eyes of dragons, all of us revelling in the day we had enjoyed and most definitely planning on going back one day…
(we were there last year honest, I just got an old mug thing!)…
What are you waiting for? Get booking!
Kaltenberger Ritterturnier
Schloss Strasse 13
82269 Kaltenberg
Blimey, they’ve got it all going on.
Haven’t they? Thanks :D
Wow this looks amazing, maybe something for the new bucket list I need to start writing.
Kizzy, if you can plan a holiday to coincide with this I think you would love it. Plus Bavaria has lots of other stuff to offer! :D Thank you! (: x
I am loving your colourful photos – looks like an amazing day x x
Thanks Cass! (: xx
Oh my children would love this as they are currently watching A Knights Tale on repeat. It looks like such great entertainment and who doesn’t want to see a knight or two ;-)
Thank you! I am sure they would love it! (:
Wow, it’s like Game of Thrones come to life. Awesome! And that sandwich?! Incredible.
Thankfully without any of the violence! :D Thanks Rachel! (:
That sounds like my idea of heaven – ‘photographers heaven’ that is – wish I was there. Your photos are brilliant. x
Yes, I think you would disappear for the whole day there! :D x
Oh oh oh this is like my medieval fantasy come true! Have I shared too much? *dreams wistfully of knights on white steeds*
Then I think you would love this place! :D Thanks Liz!
It’s funny how we can think we might not enjoy something then it turns out to be fun. Love all the colours in this spectacle. Is there beer in that mug?
Thanks Trish! And of course, it was last year! :D