I have met many wind-bags in my time, most of them not worthy of mentioning – but this dear reader, is the exception to the rule. Behold, the most beautiful wind-bag in the world… A Windbeutel (basically translated as wind bag or pouch in Deutsch), is a huge choux pastry filled with whipped cream and the topping of your choice (sour cherries and icing sugar in this case), and it’s the stuff that dreams are made of. My dreams anyway.
We demolished it in seconds at the Berg Gasthof Almhuette, with it’s stunning mountain backdrop. Bellies full, we basked like cats in the late summer sun, whilst the Small people burned off some energy in the biergarten playground. This place is off the beaten track, so don’t say I don’t tell you secrets that are worth knowing! It’s OK, you can pay me later – I’ll have the same again please!
There is so much good food to choose from in Garmisch too. From decent Indian restaurants, to the best Bavarian Inns hundreds of years old. In the three short days we had there, we managed to sample a wide variety of cuisines, but by far my most favourite meal here was at La Baita, a very family friendly Italian restaurant with authentic dishes and super friendly staff. It has a menu that focuses on seasonal food too, on this occasion featuring dozens of chanterelle dishes, which gave them extra points in my book.
On our last day the sun played nicely, so we made the most of it and went up a mountain. My Mum was surprisingly brave, and claimed that she wasn’t quiet out of nervousness, but more in appreciation of the view, which is understandable. We were going to attempt the Zugspitze, but after the trauma we put her though on the previous day, we felt this the far kinder option… It was also nice to get a chance to admire the scenery before the snow comes again. There’s something so special about the mountains at this time of year too.
And when we had had enough and went back down to the bottom, the Five Year Old pointed out some strange purple tulips that he had spotted. Only, they weren’t tulips, they were autumn crocuses. And there were fields full of them. We had arrived so early (actually claiming the last parking space), they hadn’t even opened up, and hence we hadn’t noticed them…
Perhaps despairing of the amount of photo taking going on at this point, Mr R volunteered to go and get the car, picking us up on the way back. It was therefore quite a surprise when he pulled up sooner than expected, looking ever so slightly flustered. It turned out that we had accidentally blocked the whole car park with that super-lucky last parking space, and a number of irate drivers were waiting to speak to us!! Good job we weren’t up that mountain all day really! Oh well, innocent mistakes and all that. I reckon we could have placated them though, with Windbeautels…
I am very jealous- look at those mountains.
We can see them from where we live, but due to the weather conditions they are not visible every day so quite often you forget they are there, and then suddenly they will appear and they are just so beautiful! :)
Ha ha! Blocking the whole car park – utter genius!
Fabulous photos and your wind bag looks to die for
Oh it was. I wanted to try every single one on the menu! So blinking typical of us re. the car park! :D xx
Wow, that pudding looks amazing, and your mountain photo’s are beautiful. Chuckling about the car park :-))) xx
Thank you! It is so typical of us! :D xxx
Such amazing scenery up that mountain, just cant beat the snow against the blue sky. As for that pudding, take it away, just far too good! Thanks for linking up
Thanks Fiona! :)
Woah. That scenery is amazing. Just sniggering a bit at you blocking the whole car park! :D
Thank you…. I did snigger too (but very very quietly!)… :D
Reading this made me re-live the lovely times we had. Also remembering the little bake shop (that sold ‘alien bread’ – red wholegrain breadrolls made with beetroot and wholegrain flour!) that gave the children huge pretzels each morning when we went for breakfast bread. A good sales ploy as its just obvious the children are going to beg to go back to ‘that’ bakeshop every day! x
It does seem that every bakery has that ploy though! If it’s not brezen, it’s sweets or chocolate!! :D
Drool and breath taking yes im sitting in front of my screen looking like i need hospitalisation
They are sooo good! Can’t be that hard to put together though, if you can make choux pastry??? :)
Can’t get over how gorgeous it looks – the blue, the views and that pudding! Never realised there was so much on offer. Will have to go :)
Thank you! We are making the most of the blue before it turns grey for Autumn/Winter… Can’t be that far off unfortunately! Yes, you should come over! :)
Wow, the first picture had me! (I even showed Daddy Lloyd and his response was We’re Moving) I love hearing about where you get around I’m learning so much!!! Fabulous scenery as always, I will need to come practice my photography skills next year I think! X
Aw thank you! If you plan a trip, definitely let me know! :) xx
Yum! I’m glad to get your recommendations for eating in Garmisch–we have been there once and hope to go again sometime.
Thank you! Really really liked a place called Braustuberl as well for good Bavarian food, plus the building is lovely! You can’t go wrong with Kronner for Coffee and amazing cakes either! :)
Gorgeous cake and what a heavenly blue sky! You guys sure get around.
xx Jazzy
Thanks Jazzy. We are just lucky to have it all on our doorstep! :D xx
Too bad you don’t live in Korea – the parking is so tight here, that when people park, they all put their mobile numbers on their windshields(screens) so if you’re blocked in you just call them. ..gorgeous photos as usual – I could practically taste that Windbeutel! Hats off to Granny for being such a good sport…I bet she’s really enjoyed herself!
You know what, that’s not a bad idea at all! I might start doing it in future, just in case! :D We did laugh. My husband didn’t… :D
Oh my goodness. You had me at the windbag! Why have I never been here before?
Well if you plan a trip, let me know! I can show you the best cake shops! :D
I’m gobsmacked (unfortunately not literally) by the amazing food you keep showing us in Bavaria and round about. What I want to know is, what diet will you be following when this sojourn is over?
Aha, well the trick is that I am not planning on it being over anytime soon so the diet can wait! :D