Bavaria might be sunny and beautiful this morning, but we have spent the past week in one big freezing cloud…
When fog freezes upon the layers of frozen fog already hanging from the trees, it makes for stunning scenery, and the most perfect backdrop for a Christmas Market in lieu of snow…
Making the most of Mr R’s dwindling garden leave (in which he has done little gardening!) we decided to make the most of the atmospheric weather conditions, and head to Landshut’s Christmas Market – somewhere I have visited in the past (with the Small Boy on his class trip a few years ago in temperatures of -16!!), but he hasn’t. On the banks of the Isar, this medieval town (complete with castle) is full of gothic architecture, and the square between the church of St Jodoc and the cathedral of St Martin is a lovely setting for a Weihnachtsmarkt…
You will find that most Christmas Markets in Bavaria claim that they are the most beautiful. Advert after advert claim a particular market to be “die schonsten weihnachtsmarkte in Bayern”, and Landshut is no exception. And whilst it might not be the most beautiful I have ever been to (the one on Chiemsee’s Fraueninsel probably gets my vote in that department), it’s certainly very special…
It’s not huge, but it does what it says on that all important Christmas Market tin – helps you feel very festive, has a good helping of seasonal food and drink stalls to warm you up, and (with the latter!) probably make you buy things.

Landshut also has a few rides for smaller people, plus optional visits to Saint Nicholas in his Advent Calendar house in the centre. Plus it’s relatively easy to find. Just head for the distinctive church/cathedral spires (when you can see it of course!..).
If you time it right, you could make a whole day of it and combine it with the equally lovely Berg Traunitz’s Christmas Market, where you can look out upon the whole of Landshut beneath you… But do take time to explore the rest of Landshut properly too, I think that really could win a prize for one of Bavaria’s most beautiful towns…

And on the way back to pick the children from school, the sun tried its hardest to make an appearance, but this was the best it could do…
Even with grey skies and mist the christmas market looks fabulous – we have yet to get to one and have probably left it too late now
There’s always next year! Thanks Kara! :)
I couold currently eat a dampfnudel! What a beautiful place even in the freezing fog
Honestly the Christmas market food I will miss the most. Thanks Jen! :)
I’d love to go to the Christmas markets. They sound wonderful! Beautiful photos x
They are quite special. Thanks Sonia! :)
We’ve been too busy to go to a Christmas market this year which has been a shame. You’ll be going round the ones in England next shaking your head at them!
I might indeed! :D Thanks Ness! :)
-16C eek! I love the look of that pudding with custard and I love the freezing fog on the trees, it’s such a pretty sight.
Looking forward to having you closer soon :)
I know, can you imagine the tabloid headlines in the UK if kids went on a school trip in those conditions! We all survived! :D Thank you, can’t wait to catch up properly xx
It’s just as beautiful when it’s misty though – what amazing photos x x
Thanks Cass! (:
Gosh it looks so beautiful, but all that frozen fog, brr chilly. I seriously want one of those steamed puddings, they look fab. Mich x
They are the best bit about Christmas Market food as far as I am concerned! :D Thanks Mich x
Those photos are amazing, but I can feel the chill just looking at them. The price we have to pay for beauty. I love the markets, we have German markets here in the city I live in and they do a really good job of looking authentic, but one Christmas I went to a show on Christmas even and saw them packing the stalls away afterwards. Since then I can only see them as flat pack cabins and they look so fake :( I’m not attempting the market this year as it gets very packed and it’s my first year in a wheelchair, so I’ll give it a miss. I would be tempted by freshly smoked Salmon baguette though, mmm yum!
Most of them are flat pack here too!! I love them, but they do get a bit repetitive sometimes! The best ones are the ones in cute little towns like this, or in unique locations, the ones in bigger cities here tend to be a bit crowded and commercial! Thank you! :)
wow! I actually have goosebumps looking at the pictures. Stunning! The food looks and sounds amazing too.
Thanks so much Angela! :)